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Job Announcement - Court Executive Officer

The Alpine County Superior Court invites applications for the position of Court Executive Officer. 

Interested persons are to submit a resume, a one-page narrative statement of qualifications, and the court’s application.

The court’s employment application can be found at:

The narrative must be limited to one page and succinctly describe the applicant’s specific qualifications for the position. The resume should indicate each former position held and indicate the job title, name of the firm or agency, dates of employment, and a description of the duties performed.

Application materials are preferred to be emailed to Judicial Council of California at the following: If needed, send via postal mail to: Judicial Council of California Attention- Justin Logan / Human Resources, 455 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102.

To ensure consideration of your application for the earliest round of interviews, please submit the resume, narrative and completed Court application by February 9, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. Applications deemed incomplete may be excluded from consideration.