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Can't afford to pay:

Request a fine reduction online for eligible infraction offenses (including most traffic tickets). DO NOT USE to request traffic school, contest your ticket, or submit proof of correction. 

Unlawful Detainer

State law protects some tenants from eviction for unpaid rent due from March 1, 2020 to March 31, 2022. Get more information about who qualifies for these eviction protections.

An Unlawful Detainer case, or Eviction case, is a civil lawsuit that a landlord files in court to evict a tenant and/or obtain an order to pay rent due. If the judge agrees with the landlord, the landlord can ask the sheriff to physically remove the tenant from the rental unit. If not, the tenant can stay in the property. 

Filing Fees

In most civil cases, you will have to pay a fee to file papers with the court. Filing fees are set by the Statewide Civil Fee Schedule. If you can’t afford the filing fee(s), you can ask the court for a “fee waiver” in order to file for free. 

Learn more about Fee Waivers