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Can't afford to pay:

Request a fine reduction online for eligible infraction offenses (including most traffic tickets). DO NOT USE to request traffic school, contest your ticket, or submit proof of correction. 

Proof of Correction and Proof of Insurance

A correctable violation, or "fix-it" ticket, is a citation for registration, insurance, or vehicle repair that can be dismissed upon proof of correction being submitted to the court.  Most equipment, license or registration violations may be cleared by submitting proof of correction and paying a $25.00 fee per corrective violation to the court. If you were cited for failure to provide evidence of financial responsibility, you can provide proof there was insurance on the vehicle at the time of the offense, or that insurance was acquired after the offense to receive a reduced bail. 

If you have a correctable violation, keep your copy of the citation in a safe place. You will need to submit it to the court to reduce your bail amount. You must submit proof of correction(s) and proof of insurance to the court prior to paying fine amount.

The general process is: 

  1. If the "Yes" box is checked on the front of your citation next to the violation, the violation is correctable.
  2. Once you have made the correction to the vehicle, bring your vehicle and citation to a law enforcement agency such as your local Sheriff office, California Highway Patrol office, Police Department, or an authorized inspection/ installation station agent. Registration and driver's license violations may be certified corrected at your local DMV office. 
  3. On the back of your citation there will be a table labeled "Certificate of Correction." The officer or agent will sign and date that they certify you have corrected the violation. 
  4. Mail the signed citation to the court with a check or money order for $25.00 for each corrected violation made out to "Alpine County Superior Court." 

Do NOT submit payment for corrected violations online or via phone before the the court has received the proof of correction. 

VC 4000(a)(1) violations for registration may be corrected by providing a copy of your current Registration Card from the DMV. 

VC 16028(a) violations for proof of insurance may be corrected by providing a copy of your insurance policy or card valid at the time of citation that contains: 

  • Insured's name
  • Policy number
  • Issuance and expiration date
  • Vehicle description
  • License number

Insurance violations may not be signed off or corrected by law enforcement. If you obtain insurance after the date of violation, your fine may be reduced.