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Can't afford to pay:

Request a fine reduction online for eligible infraction offenses (including most traffic tickets). DO NOT USE to request traffic school, contest your ticket, or submit proof of correction. 

Traffic Division


Alpine Superior Court's Traffic Division handles Adult Traffic Infractions, Juvenile Traffic Infractions, and Local County Ordinance Infractions. 

Misdemeanor or Felony violations of the Vehicle Code (such as DUIs) are handled by the Criminal Division

General Information

Parking Violations are handled by the Alpine County Parking Agent as a civil penalty. If you have a parking ticket, please go to the Alpine County Parking Agent's webpage(link is external) for more information. 

Note: You may appear for all traffic matters remotely via Zoom. If you cannot appear by video, you may join the Zoom conference by audio only. There is no cost to appear by Zoom. For more information please see the Remote Appearances page. You are not required to appear remotely via Zoom, and may still come to the courthouse for any traffic matter at the scheduled date and time on your paperwork. 

Courtesy Notice

Alpine County Superior Court mails a reminder notice, or "Courtesy Notice," to traffic defendants. It can take up to 4-6 weeks for the court to receive and then process citations from issuing agencies. The court mails the notice to the address listed on the citation. On the notice, the court notifies you of: 

  • Your docket number, or case number for the citation.  

  • Your appearance date. Alpine County Superior Court calendars all traffic defendants. You do not need to call to put yourself on calendar. If you do not intend to appear, this is your due date. 

  • Your bail, or fine amount. The court provides payment options on the back of the courtesy notice. 

  • Your options for appearing or resolving your traffic case without appearing in court. 

  • General eligibility criteria for Traffic School.

If more than 6 weeks have passed since you received your citation (ticket) and you have not received a courtesy notice, please call the Clerk's Office. 

Note: Not receiving your courtesy notice is not a legal excuse for failing to take care of the citation by its due date. 

If you fail to appear or pay by your appearance date, you will be deemed to have elected to have a trial by declaration pursuant to Vehicle Code §40903.  If you are found guilty, you will be charged the bail amount shown on your courtesy notice.  If you do not pay on or before the due date, you will receive an additional civil assessment of up to $100.00 for your failure to appear, and the Court will refer your account to an outside collection agency.

Remote Appearance

Alpine County Superior Court holds its Traffic Calendar every Monday at 10:00 a.m. 

Traffic matters may be heard via remote video technology on the date indicated on your citation. You retain the option of (1) paying the fine without appearance: (2) requesting a trial by declaration: or (3) appearing remotely or in person on the date indicated on your citation. If you wish to appear remotely, you are instructed to contact the Alpine County Clerk’s Office at 530 694-2113 to obtain the information necessary for your remote appearance. Be advised that you must act on one of the three options noted above or a finding of guilt will be entered when your matter is called pursuant to Vehicle Code 40509.

For more information please go to the Remote Appearances page. 

Paying Your Ticket

If you decide not to contest your ticket and want to close your case, you may pay your ticket at any time before your due date. This is called a "Bail Forfeiture". You may pay your citation:

  • online,
  • by phone, or
  • you can mail a check or money order along with your courtesy notice stub.

To make your payment you will need your docket number (your case number) and your fine amount.

To pay online you may click on the quick link at the top of this page, or go to Online Payments for more information. 

Upon receipt of the bail amount, the court will declare the bail forfeited and order that no further proceedings will occur. This will result in a record of conviction as if you had appeared and admitted or been found guilty of the charge(s).

Ability to Pay 

If you do not wish to contest your ticket, but cannot afford to pay the fine in full in one payment, go to "If You Can't Afford to Pay."

Frequently Asked Questions