Servicio de jurado
General Information
Scam Alert: Past or prospective jurors are NEVER contacted by phone regarding failure to serve jury duty. All communication regarding failure to serve jury duty is done via U.S. mail or personal service. No court jury staff or Alpine County Sheriff staff will ever ask past or prospective jurors for financial information, credit card numbers, bank account information, or personal information like Social Security numbers. Do not provide this type of information to anyone claiming to be associated with the courts or law enforcement.
The right to a trial by jury is the privilege of every person in the United States. This cherished right is guaranteed by both the United States and California Constitutions. You may be called to serve if you are 18 years of age or older, a United States citizen, and a resident of the county where summoned. Jurors are selected at random from lists of registered voters, resident state tax filers, and persons who have a valid California driver's license or identification card issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
Alpine County Superior Court schedules jury trials for two weeks each calendar quarter (unless circumstances dictate an extraordinary trial setting). Each jury period begins on that Monday, and should the second week be needed, the trial will begin again on Tuesday of that second week.
For the current year's scheduled weeks, see the court calendar schedule.
Upcoming Jury Trials
None at this time.
Información general
El derecho a un juicio por jurado es un privilegio de todas las personas en los Estados Unidos, sean ciudadanos o no. Este preciado derecho está garantizado por las Constituciones de los Estados Unidos y California. Es posible que lo llamen para servir si tiene 18 años de edad o más, es ciudadano de los Estados Unidos y es residente del condado donde fue citado. Los miembros del jurado se seleccionan al azar de listas de votantes registrados y personas que tienen una licencia de conducir o una tarjeta de identificación válida de California emitida por el Departamento de Vehículos Motorizados (Department of Motor Vehicles, DMV).
La Corte Superior del Condado de Alpine programa juicios por jurado durante dos semanas cada trimestre del calendario (a menos que las circunstancias exijan un escenario de juicio extraordinario). Cada período del jurado comienza ese lunes, y si fuera necesaria la segunda semana, el juicio comenzará nuevamente el martes de esa segunda semana.
Duración del servicio
Los miembros del jurado tal vez tienen que participar en más de un juicio durante su semana de servicio y durante más de una semana de juicios por año. Esto se debe a la cantidad muy limitada de jurados en el Condado de Alpine. La Corte Superior del Condado de Alpine intenta adaptarse a las preferencias de programación de los miembros del jurado y también permitir que las personas en comunidades nevadas (Bear Valley) participen en la primavera/verano cuando transportarse es menos difícil.
Requisitos de calificación
Una persona tiene la capacidad de actuar como jurado si es:
- Un ciudadano de los Estados Unidos de 18 años de edad que cumpla los requisitos de residencia de los electores de este estado;
- Está en posesión de sus facultades naturales y de inteligencia ordinaria, en el entendido de que no se considerará que una persona no tiene la capacidad para ser jurado únicamente porque tiene pérdida de la vista o del oído en cualquier grado u otra discapacidad que impida la capacidad de comunicarse o que interfiera con la movilidad de la persona; y
- Posee conocimientos suficientes del idioma inglés.
Una persona no tiene la capacidad de actuar como jurado de un juicio si se aplica alguno de los siguientes casos:
- La persona no posee las calificaciones indicadas.
- Las personas han sido condenadas por malversación de fondos o cualquier delito grave u otro delito mayor;
- La persona está sirviendo como gran jurado en cualquier corte de este estado.
Exenciones del servicio de jurado
Sección 204(b), Código de procedimientos civiles.
La corte excusará a una persona del servicio de jurado si determina que el servicio de jurado implicaría dificultades excesivas para la persona o el público al que sirve.
Para solicitar una exención:
- Envíe la solicitud por escrito.
- Proporcione datos específicos sobre la naturaleza y duración de las dificultades.
- Si no se espera que las dificultades terminen durante los siguientes 12 meses, indique el (los) motivo(s), detallando por qué no se pueden hacer arreglos alternativos. Si la excusa es una dificultad médica, la verificación de un médico debe incluirse con la devolución de la declaración jurada.
Regla local 3.6 Excusa de la obligación de servir en un jurado debido a la estación
Durante esas épocas del año, cuando la Ruta Estatal 4 esté cerrada al tránsito vehicular entre Markleeville, California y Bear Valley, California, todos los jurados de un juicio que residan dentro o al oeste de dicha área de cierre serán excusados de su obligación de servir como jurado de un juicio debido a que servir como jurado para tal persona implicaría dificultades excesivas.
Ubicación del servicio
A menos que se indique lo contrario en su citación, se requerirá que comparezca en el Juzgado ubicado en 14777 State Route 89, Markleeville.
Notificación al empleador: Derecho a tiempo libre, Sección 230(a), Código Laboral
Ningún empleador puede despedir ni discriminar de ninguna manera a un empleado por tomarse un tiempo libre para servir como lo exige la ley en una investigación o como jurado de un juicio, si el empleado, antes de tomar el tiempo libre, notifica razonablemente al empleador que es obligación de este empleado servir como jurado.
El servicio como jurado de un juicio se considera una obligación de la ciudadanía, en el sentido de que un "juicio por jurado es un derecho constitucional preciado". (De la Declaración política de la legislatura de California).
Essential Information
Unless otherwise noted on your summons, you are required to appear at the Alpine County Superior Court located at 14777 State Route 89, Markleeville, CA 96120.
Jurors may have to participate in more than one trial during their week of service and more than one trial week per year. This is due to the severely limited jury pool in Alpine County. The Alpine County Superior Court attempts to accommodate juror scheduling preferences and also allow those in snowbound communities (Bear Valley) to participate in the spring/summer when transportation is less difficult.
Pursuant to California Government Code section 12945.8 (a)(1), no employer shall discharge or in any manner discriminate against an employee for taking time off to serve as required by law on an inquest jury or trial jury, if the employee, prior to taking the time off, gives reasonable notice to the employer that the employee is required to serve.
Service as a trial juror is looked upon as an obligation of citizenship, in that a "trial by jury is a cherished constitutional right." (From the Policy Statement of the California Legislature.)
California law says you are qualified to be a juror if you:
- Are a U.S. citizen
- Are at least 18 years old
- Can understand English enough to understand and discuss the case
- Are a resident of the county summoning you
- Have not served on a jury in the last 12 months
- Are not currently serving on a jury
- Are not currently under a conservatorship
- Are not currently incarcerated in any prison or jail
- Are not currently on parole, postrelease community supervision, probation, or mandated supervision for conviction of a felony
- Are not required to register as a sex offender based on a felony conviction
- Have had your civil rights restored if you were convicted of a malfeasance or felony
No one is exempt because of his or her job, race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, or economic status. If you are qualified, please follow the directions on your summons and call in or report as instructed. You will receive additional information when you report for service.
You may request a one-time postponement of your jury service to a more convenient time period.
You may request postponement of your service for up to one year if you are a mother who is breastfeeding a child. (Cal. Rules of Court, rule 2.1006)
If your request for postponement is made under penalty of perjury in writing, you do not have to appear at court to make your request in person. Submit your request, along with supporting documents, back to the court to be received by the court prior to your summons date.
Local Rule 3.6 Seasonal Excuse From Jury Duty: During such times of the year, when State Route 4 is closed to vehicular traffic between Markleeville, California, and Bear Valley, California, all trial jurors residing within or west of said closure area shall be excused from trial jury duty on the ground that jury service for such person would entail undue hardship. Submit your written request for postponement to the court verifying your address in the Bear Valley area and you will be postponed to a spring/ summer trial date.
The court shall excuse a person from jury service upon finding that the jury service would entail undue hardship on the person or the public served by the person. Excuses on the grounds of undue hardship are defined by Cal. Rules of Court, rule 2.1008(d). Inconvenience to a prospective juror or an employer is not an adequate reason to be excused from jury duty, although it may be considered a ground for deferral.
To request an exemption:
- Submit request in writing under penalty of perjury.
- Provide specific facts as to the nature and length of the hardship.
- If the hardship is not expected to end during the next 12 months, state the reason(s), detailing why alternative arrangements cannot be made. If the excuse is a medical hardship, a doctor's verification must be included with the return of the Affidavit.
Permanent medical excuses from jury service (Cal. Rules of Court rule 2.1009):
If you are a person with a physical or mental disability and your condition is unlikely to resolve and who, with or without disability-related accommodations, including auxiliary aids or services, is not capable of performing jury service, you may apply for a permanent medical excusal from jury service.
To request a permanent medical excuse:
- You must submit to the jury commissioner a written request for permanent medical excuse with a supporting letter, memo, or note from a treating health care provider. The supporting letter, memo, or note must be on the treating health care provider's letterhead, state that you have a permanent disability that makes you incapable of performing jury service, and be signed by the provider.
- You must submit the request and the supporting letter, memo, or note to the jury commissioner on or before the date you are required to appear for jury service.
- In the case of an incomplete application, the jury commissioner may require you to provide the court additional information in support of the request for permanent medical excuse.
- The jury commissioner must keep confidential all information concerning the request for permanent medical excuse, including any accompanying request for disability-related accommodation, including auxiliary aids or services, unless the applicant waives confidentiality in writing or the law requires disclosure. The applicant's identity and confidential information may not be disclosed to the public but may be disclosed to court officials and personnel involved in the permanent medical excuse process. Confidential information includes all medical information pertaining to the applicant, and all oral or written communication from the applicant concerning the request for permanent medical excuse.
It is the policy of the courts of this state to ensure that persons with disabilities have equal and full access to the judicial system, including the opportunity to serve as jurors.
If you require an accommodation in order to serve as a juror, please read MC-410: How to Request a Disability Accommodation for Court and submit MC-410: Disability Accommodation Request to the jury commissioner at least seven (7) days prior to your summons date. You may also contact the jury office directly by phone.